After the main wall had been completed, we scraped the bank and retained it to tidy up the garden, once this was done, the lawn was levelled and frame work installed for an artificial turf to be laid

With the new wall below and the hill scraped back, the client had a blank canvas to create their ideal backdrop for the kids new pitch.

Steel rod tiebacks were installed and attached to 2m3 of concrete 5 meters back from the wall to stop the two posts from failing any further

In addition to the wall being built a handrail was installed. The void between the new wall and existing drive was also concreted.

This area was to be cut out from behind the property and used to fill the front portion.

The retained area behind the house creating a flat useable area for the kids. on this project approximately 320 m2 of useable area was created.

Flat useable area created. 170 m2 of useable land

Once the landscaping design is done this will be a whole new home for the owners

After cutting out a track, metal is laid creating a track adequate for vehicles and farm equipment.

The original wall was a rock wall from the 50's that had crumbled away over the years leaving an unusable and unsightly backyard. The ground was full of rock and specialist equipment was used to core into the Basalt rock. This was the finished product.

In order to get past the roof line, we needed to lower the ground level so we could squeeze under.